O cantinho da Cinderela

O cantinho encantado da bloggosfera.

sábado, fevereiro 24, 2007

Game Over

That’s it, mister! Enough is enough! I’m tired of all your shits! Yeah, you heard me!
You came in with your good looking and your smooth talk and made me go crazy everytime I saw you!
I’m making mine Stewie’s words:
“Damn you!”
Now I hate you! I can’t hear your voice! I can’t see your face! I can’t be close to you! Not for a minute, not even for a second!
Just leave me alone!
Don’t you have better things to do? Well, I do.
And I’m thinking of one right now…
Forgetting you!
You were just a bad mistake! Something that could have been good, but that you’ve ruined!
So… Goodbye, mister!
You’re dead!
Game Over!
