O cantinho da Cinderela

O cantinho encantado da bloggosfera.

sexta-feira, dezembro 14, 2007

Esta noite sonhei contigo...

(Peço desculpa pelo meu desleixe... Foi feito um bocadinho "à pressão"... Espero que gostem...)

I had a dream last night…
You were there.
You held my hand
and told me that I was the one…
You whispered some words
that I didn’t understood…

I had a dream last night…
You were there.
You looked into my eyes
and smiled…
You told me “I love you”
without saying a word…

I had a dream last night…
You were there.
You holded me in your arms…
and made me feel protected…

I had a dream last night…
You were there.
Touched my lips…
touched my skin…
You made me feel alive…

I had a dream last night…
You were there.
I woke up…
and you were gone…
Now I wish…
that you were here…

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